Suites: "Geometry", "Graffiti" and "Dreams"

hotel "Holst", Baden-Baden
In this suite we have minimized the use of finishing materials. Part of the room was left in micro cement, the other is painted translating the concept Geometry. By painting, we break the perception of the architectural framework and build our own geometry of space. A mosaic of tiles adds an illusion effect.

In the "concrete" area of the room, we also build geometry thanks to the lines of lighting items and furniture. From custom furniture - Reda bed. The decor is a carpet made of old Pavloposad shawls and ceramics.

This suite is a space for creative artists, especially graffiti artists. We have prepared a space that they can use as much as possible on all surfaces: walls, floor, ceiling. At the same time, a surface that can be easily used over and over again is a tile.
Thгы, the design of the room room will look different every time, while maintaining self-sufficiency in itself from the point of view of design.
Номер "Dreams"
Мечты, сновидения, фантазии в голубо-розовой гамме. Мы стремились максимально созранить открытое пространство, избегать замкнутых и закрытых объемов. Например, вместо шкафа мы предлагаем вешало. В номере много предметов, изготовленных российскими предметными дизайнерами. Например, керамическое зеркало "Мухомор" и бетонные стулья с кусочками плитки.